Reference Laboratory

A Patient-Focused Approach

Actionable, personalized results for better patient outcomes are at the heart of MPLN’s testing services. Partnering with MPLN enables clinicians to access specialty testing to profile their patients’ cancer and manage appropriate treatment regimens, including selection for clinical trials based on tumor profiling.

With the latest technologies in sequencing, DNA analysis, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and flow cytometry, our hematopathologists have precise information to provide diagnoses, risk stratification, treatment selection, and clinical course monitoring. MPLN practices evidence-based medicine, delivering comprehensive, integrated analyses while saving time and cost.


MPLN is a leader in the implementation of patient-specific reflex testing (StrataFLEX™) that strategically moves clinicians through the laboratory process, addressing each stage of patient management in a consultative, timely, and cost-effective manner. Strategic step-by-step testing addresses current, targeted therapies and maximizes information for the clinician. Through StrataFLEX, diagnosis is first achieved while simultaneously focusing on prognostic and therapy-related information, setting the stage to monitor the patient over the course of treatment.

laboratory technician

Companion Diagnostics and Targeted Therapies

Biopharma and manufacturers are embracing the co-development of companion diagnostics and targeted therapies, tailoring treatments to specific subpopulations. MPLN’s portfolio of new technologies and tools are implemented to screen, diagnose, predict, and monitor the disease, in addition to ensuring the most appropriate therapeutic regimen is selected. MPLN diligently adheres to guidelines, competence, and quality metrics for patient workup and actively engages in discussions of clinical diagnostic utility on a patient-by-patient basis with physicians.

MPLN's worldwide support network

Available Worldwide

MPLN has established a comprehensive and extensive worldwide network of laboratories that utilize state-of-the-art equipment and technology to ensure accurate and reliable testing results to support biopharma development.

Our Evidence-Based Menu Offers the Latest Technologies and Assays:

  • Flow cytometry
  • Multiplex and quantitative PCR
  • Next generation sequencing
  • Karyotype
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Fluorescence in situ hybridization
  • Minimal residual disease detection
  • Leukemia Lymphoma analysis
  • Gene sequencing and mutation analysis
  • Biomarker analysis on peripheral blood, bone marrow, and tissue
  • Surgical pathology with expertise in breast, hematologic, and gastrointestinal pathology
  • Tumor board participation with case presentation and consultative services for both hematopathology and surgical pathology

Pathology Leadership

Chief Medical Officer Dr. Mark Stonecypher leads MPLN’s experienced team of Pathologists. He is board-certified in hematopathology as well as anatomic and clinical pathology. A well-respected industry leader, Dr. Stonecypher’s team of physicians is accessible at any given time to assist and serve you.

  • Evidence-based testing that saves time and money
  • Streamlined ordering and reporting provides a complete diagnostic picture
  • Consultations and multidisciplinary concordance
  • One source for all complementary testing technologies
  • Single-page case summary of all findings – comprehensive, easy-to-read format

Have questions?

Contact our client services team today.